You're Andie Anderson(Kate Hudson - ('How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days')
You're smart, beautiful, and ambitious. You have
life going for you in every possible way.
You're true to yourself and to others. You may
make some mistakes along the way, but you don't
cover them up.
Your vintage styling and girl next door persona
makes you an instant trendsetter and everyone's
You feel just as confortable in silk and heels as
you do in blue jeans on the back of a Harley.You're a wonderful friend, looking for ways to
bring sunshine and laughter to people's lives.You take yourself seriously, but not too seriously.
You express yourself through a public medium,
encouraging feedback and honesty.
All in all you're the Ray of Light.
Which Romantic Comedy Heroine Are You?
** Won't you look at that. Kate Hudson. I wanna be like her when I wake up.
saken kon na si...
Libby Reynolds (Kelly Preston - 'What a Girl Wants')
You've had your share of heartbreak but have a tremendous sense of self. You know who you are and that's something you've never compromised. You love deeply but you value your space and allow the same courtesy to others. You're an avid believer that if you love someone, let them go. If they love you, they will return. Your strength of character is your greatest asset.
You're vintage rock and roll, a flower child born too late. You sing and write poetry to express yourself.
All in all, you're the genuine article.
sayang baden ka da, as usual, da ko peman ai kambantayi. hehehe:)
i'm wondering about that lst sentence, though. malo miyapla sa mangaito so misort saya. banda "you're a genuine artist" ow? antonaa i 'genuine article' opama? well, unless, saken i da on sabot. wahihihi!:)
Druggie, mbantay ka man, ka an pkaomani so problema ka. Di akongka sowa-a a langon dn a problema sa salida na pag-angkinun akn. Hahaha.
Mapiya angkanan a What A Girl Wants. Mbantayingka ka adn bs a plagidan iyo! Hehe.
Ayanda-a genuine article a di niyan di taro-on na so oto so expression a? Opama na o mimbaloy ka a bangkala na mapiya ka-i dinis.
Mapiya on oto! =)
ah kaoto, ow?:)
da aken oto mapikir na. osto bes mambo, owm? mao-obsess ako mambo sa ka-a-artist ai. sorry gud!:)
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