Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Yup, ladies and cats, I'm still tripping about my teaching experience. I'm only realizing that teaching is a lot like acting on stage. You're up there, and all those people peering at you from behind their under-used books are under your mercy. You can cheat, steal, and lie. You can tell them your mother smuggled your brother in from Vietnam. You can give them grades based on your whims. [I did all that]. I'd like to share some of the best moments of my short experience.

** Earlier today, a student came up to me and said, "Teacher Nessreen, I miss you. I hate my new English professor. She's 57 years old and she doesn't know how to work an MP3 player." Aww. Sweet. All those times I was supposed to be teaching them gerunds but taught them how to browse the internet in English instead paid off. At least she hates the new professor more than she hated me.

** On one of review sessions with Level 1 English students, a girl was asked what she would say if she needed to ask information at the Heathrow airport in the UK. She said: "First, I would say, Execute me, Mister, can I ask?". Capital.

** Last summer, the cheekiest kid in my class [read: the student I hated most] asked me, tongue-in-cheek of course, "Teacher, what's the one thing you would like to eat right this moment?" I replied, "A big mac. Why? You gone whip it up, magic-like?" He didn't. What he DID do was call up someone on his mobile, and in 20 minutes, I had a Big Mac meal in my hands. Awwww. That was the best burger I had in my life. He was 9 years old. How can I hate him?

That's off the top of my head.


BabyPink said...

inao, isana oto ko mapiya a wata... students really do surprise us sometimes, don't they?:)

datar o studyante aken ko dii ako pen diimangdao sa MSU. kagiya a piyakapagidaida aken siran one by one ka opama na aden pekha-develop so kapamales iran (sa inglis) ago aden siran pekhadai sa kaya (pekhasobraan baden igira!). ah na, katii den a giya a studyante a tnto ko mala i kaya. maito i lagam. ah na, miyakatineg den ai sa front na dii pen dikhakaya-kaya, i had to throw jokes and words of encouragement here and there. kagiya ko kowan na aya bo a minitokaw aken na miyag-start baden magidaida in her BOOMING voice! ey, kiyateka-tekawan ako na mipekilebad aken on sa class record aken! hahahaha!:)

da ka kahabbaya ako bo magistorya... mamanti na inisompat aken sa entry ngka ini. ehehehe:)

phambliin a kapangdao ai!:) pirmi aden a "suplaaays!!!"

Baby Rockstar said...

Miphatay ako pn sa kiyapakasinga akn ko istorya ngka. Lagid akn o miya-imagine a kinipapsun o class record ko wata. Hahaha! Baraikabo di pangingilk.

Ayadn man a mas mala a sorplais rakn angkoto a wata na kagiya ko taro-on rakn o director ami a apo skanyan bs o mala a dato ami si-i sa saudi arabia. Mandidi bs ka da ko pamtangi a wata oto.
