Saturday, December 31, 2005

Oh, Twenty Oh Six

Meretricious and a Happy New Year.

- Gore Vidal (1925 - ) U.S. novelist and essayist.

New Year's Eve isn't that big a deal in our household. The only one time I really celebrated it was last year when most of my brothers, my sister, and I were finally in the same place at the same time. It was more of an impromptu reunion than anything, really.

But anyway, just for the heck of it, here's a fresh batch of New Year's resolutions to back up the ones I wrote down not two months ago [most of which I haven't even started doing]:

1. Minimize the fronting. One day, all my little untruths will rise into one huge whale that would swallow me whole. The funny thing is, I come up with the most outrageous lies. Those are the ones I feel really good about. LOL.

2. Keep my room organized for a minimum of 12 hours at the very least. [Good luck with this one].

3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

4. Be less absent-minded to improve my memory and attention span.

5. Stop being such a wuss. More often than not, when faced with something I'm not capable of overcoming, I whimper and retreat to a pathetic corner. Be more tough. Think G.I. Jane. Think "Suck my d*ck."

Now that I've got them down, they all sound so simple. Easy-peasy. But knowing myself, I'll be lucky if I can achieve at least one of them.

So, like I always say, baby steps. Baby steps.

1 comment:

BabyPink said...

happy new year aki, wata!:)

ino ako di pesorat/phangbaal sa new year's resolutions aken ka da bo a mapenggolaola ko ron! palpak pirmi. hehehe:)

na, gudlak sa rek ka on ai!:)